Friday, December 25, 2009

Headphone cord wrap by DCI

i don't know about you and your OCD tendencies, but i absolutely hate unraveling my headphones every morning just to listen to my music. i keep my headphones in my purse or backpack and it continually ties itself into a large knot that takes about 5 minutes to unravel. i like how i'm referring to an inanimate object as "it" and "itself". anyways, i found this little gem on eBay and so far, i'm quite pleased with the result. it keeps the cord from getting tangled and you can adjust the length as desired, depending on your listening pleasure. DCI offers the cord wrapper in different styles. take a gander on eBay and see if you'd like it. quite inexpensive and makes life a little bit easier in the long run.

Introduction time.

Hello. I imagine you are reading this post because you are either:
1. a friend of mine who I coerced into visiting to increase the number of blog hits
B. a lady-gadgets-lover, or
III. trying to waste time, and for that, I apologize if this blog doesn't provide you with better content to accurately define a "good time-waster"

So what's the purpose of this thing? Well to be honest, I've never had a blog before, so please be gentle.

I love gadgets, accessories, and "trinkets" that make life easier, or just a little happier in some way or another. Not everything will be on gadgets, but maybe there might be something posted that you'll enjoy. If there happens to be nothing on this site that you enjoy, please refrain from telling me :) however, feel free to comment whenever you'd like.

Oh, I also must mention that you will be exposed to the occasional rant. I've always thought it a funny process for people to rant on blogs. most of the time, the things we think (no matter how distorted or odd they may seem to someone else) are necessary to say out loud. Why we think we can put them on a very public forum is besides me. But hey, why not follow in the footsteps of all the brave "ranters" out there. I salute and thank you for starting the trend and I am proud to continue such a timeless ritual. We should make t-shirts.